Ageing Feet: Common Issues and How to Maintain Mobility

Ageing Feet: Common Issues and How to Maintain Mobility

Ageing gracefully comes with its unique set of challenges, and one area often overlooked is our feet. As we age, our feet undergo changes that can lead to discomfort and reduced mobility. In this blog, we’ll explore common foot issues that affect older individuals and provide practical solutions to help maintain mobility and overall foot…

How Can Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Your Feet?

How Can Psoriatic Arthritis Affect Your Feet?

If you have psoriatic arthritis, it’s essential to understand how this condition can affect your feet. Having a good grasp of the potential impacts and treatments can play an important role in managing your disease and keeping yourself safe from further damage. In this blog post, we’re exploring exactly that – how psoriatic arthritis can…