WHAT DO Running, jumping, triathlons, marathons, football, cricket, netball, basketball all have in common?
Our Podiatry team works with professional sport. Sydney Swans, Australian Wallabies, Manly Rugby League, Rugby Sevens…we know musculoskeletal injury of the foot, ankle, leg. We will utilise the intervention we use in professional sport to help your injury. Bring your running shoes, footy boots, radiology and together put together a plan to get you back to exercise and sport quickly and safely.
Bring you running shoes, footy boots or any other exercise shoe for our team to evaluate and help you decide what is the best shoe for your needs.
Heel pain is generally termed Plantar Fasciitis or Plantar Fasciosis. This is a very generic term. Heel pain can be more complicated and needs a correct diagnosis before embarking upon treatment.
Recommendation: At the clinic, you will receive a diagnosis and management plan at your first consultation. 90% of cases resolve with time but with a treatment plan you will get better. The practice uses evidence based science to treat your heel pain. We regularly liaise with radiologists, foot orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and sports physicians that we can “workshop” your case if it is an atypical case of heel pain.
Heel pain in children are commonly known as Severs Disease. It is a growth plate condition causing foot pain and ankle pain. Growing pains are common in children especially those who are active. Children between the ages of 8 – 14 years.
Recommendation: Treatment commonly includes shoe advice, de-loading the heel, strength and stretching programs.
Runner’s knee is an overuse injury common with running, jumping and court sports. The basic mechanism of the injury is the mal-tracking of the knee cap upon the knee joint. Causes of Runners Knee include faulty foot mechanics (flat feet, hyper-pronated feet, unstable feet, muscle imbalances and incorrect footwear) are factors.
Recommendation: At your first visit you will receive a treatment plan aimed at stabilising your foot mechanics that may involve foot orthotics, shoe recommendations, exercises and where appropriate sending for imaging and referral to physiotherapy.
Shin Pain or Shin Splints (medial tibial stress syndrome) are an exercise-related pain. Shin splints occur along or just behind the inner (medial) edge of the shin (tibia).
Shin pain is commonly associated with running and jumping sports such as basketball, tennis, running, football and squash. Unstable foot mechanics such as pronating feet, flat feet, per planus and rigid feet such as feet with arches that are too high and playing sports with the wrong shoes are factors in shin pain.
Recommendation: By optimising foot mechanics, correcting foot posture, getting the correct shoes and modifying sporting loads shin pain can be easily managed.
Achilles tendinopathy is an overuse condition. The Achilles tendon does not have good blood supply and the injury can be chronic if not treated early.
Recommendation: Tendinopathy responds well to strength programs and stabilising foot mechanics such as using correct shoes, orthotics and reducing excessive loads.
The practice uses a variety of management regimes and has a close network of physiotherapists, sports physicians, radiologists that we liaise with regularly to ensure best evidence based regimes are implemented.
Pain and numbness at the ball of the foot can be many conditions. Morton’s neuroma (also known as Morton’s metatarsalgia, Morton’s neuralgia, plantar neuroma and intermetatarsal neuroma) is one of the more common entities. The condition is a benign neuroma of an intermetatarsal plantar nerve, most commonly of the second and third intermetatarsal spaces (between 2nd-3rd and 3rd-4th metatarsal heads). This problem is characterised by pain and/or numbness, sometimes relieved by removing footwear.
Groin pain is a complicated topic that requires a multi-faceted approach. Dr Michael Kinchington (PhD) has an interest in lower extremity biomechanics as a cause of groin pain and rehabilitation of groin injury by gait stabilisation. He has teamed with Dr John Garvey a world leader in Groin Injury. For further information contact the Groin Pain Clinic, www.groinpainclinic.com.au