Osteopathy at The Centre for Podiatric Medicine
Osteopathy is a hands on approach to healthcare that is focused around the structural and functional relationship of the body. It is a holistic approach to diagnosing and treating the body, focusing on the bones, joints, muscles, connective tissue, circulation and nerves to improve your health and well being.
At Centre For Podiatric Medicine, Osteopathy works closely with the team of podiatrists and massage therapy to provide best practice outcomes. Our patients are grateful for the dedication and expertise provided by the Osteopaths and Massage team.
Therefore, Don’t suffer from back or neck pain, sore muscles, recurring headaches or sports injuries any more.
Anthony Gould understands that everyone is different and therefore has different health and wellbeing needs. No matter what your current health level is, an Osteopath aims to provide you with everything you need to take positive steps towards great health and longevity.
At Centre For podiatric Medicine, the Osteopathy department will provide premium healthcare that includes an evidence based diagnosis, treatment and management plan, catering for a wide range of conditions.